Home > Base (No Top) > Cabinet Size > 25" to 32" Cabinet only > 25"-32" Free Standing Cabinet
We found 35 results matching your criteria.
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L750BTN-cabinet Levi 30" Butternut Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) w/ Cubby Hole L750GW-cabinet Levi 30" Gloss White Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) w/ Cubby Hole L750HGASH-cabinet Levi 30" Ash Gray Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) w/ Cubby Hole
L750RW-cabinet Levi 30" Rosewood Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) w/ Cubby Hole | L800BTN-cabinet Levi 32" Butternut Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) w/ Cubby Hole L800GW-cabinet Levi 32" Gloss White Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) w/ Cubby Hole
L800HGASH-cabinet Levi 32" Ash Gray Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) w/ Cubby Hole | L800RW-cabinet Levi 32" Rosewood Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) w/ Cubby Hole | FMB30-WNT-Cabinet Bliss 30" Walnut Wood Floor Mount Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink)
FMB30-GW-Cabinet Bliss 30" Gloss White Floor Mount Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink) FMB30-GO-Cabinet Bliss 30" Grey Oak Floor Mount Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink) FMB30-BTN-Cabinet Bliss 30" Butternut Floor Mount Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink)
FMB30-BK-Cabinet Bliss 30" Black Wood Floor Mount Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink) FMB30-NW-Cabinet Bliss 30" Nature Wood Floor Mount Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink) FMB30-VAG-Cabinet Bliss 30" Vulcan Ash Grey  Floor Mount Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink)
AD630-BLUE-Cabinet 30'' KubeBath Dolce Blue Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink) AD630-GW-Cabinet 30'' KubeBath Dolce Gloss White Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink) AD630-NW-Cabinet 30'' KubeBath Dolce Nature Wood Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink)
AD630-RW-Cabinet 30'' KubeBath Dolce Rose Wood Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink) AD630-HG-Cabinet 30'' KubeBath Dolce Ash Gray Modern Bathroom Cabinet only (no counter top no sink) KFM30-GW-cabinet 30" Milano Gloss White Floor Mount Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink)
KFM30-NW-cabinet 30" Milano Nature Wood Floor Mount Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) KFM30-TG-cabinet 30" Milano Teal Green Floor Mount Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) ASL1530-GW-cabinet Anziano 30" Gloss White cabinet (no counter top no sink)
ASL1530-GW-cabinet Anziano 30" Gloss White cabinet (no counter top no sink)
List Price $839.00
Sale Price $699.00
Savings: $140.00
KB30-GW-cabinet KubeBath Bosco 30" Gloss White Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top, no sink) KB30-NW-cabinet KubeBath Bosco 30" Nature Wood Modern Bathroom cabinet (no counter top, no sink) AC30-BK-cabinet Kube Cisco 30" Stainless Steel Console(no counter top no sink) - Black
AC30-CH-cabinet Kube Cisco 30" Stainless Steel Console(no counter top no sink) - Chrome E30-GW-cabinet Eiffel 30'' High Gloss White cabinet (no counter top no sink) NUDO32-GW-cabinet NUDO 32''Floor Mount Modern bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) in Gloss White Finish
E30-GW-cabinet Eiffel 30'' High Gloss White cabinet (no counter top no sink)
List Price $879.00
Sale Price $739.00
Savings: $140.00
NUDO32-TG-cabinet NUDO 32'' Floor Mount Modern bathroom cabinet (no counter top no sink) in Teal Green Finish KV8830-BLUE-cabinet Vetro 30'' Navy Blue cabinet (no counter top no sink) KV8830-GW-cabinet Vetro 30'' Semi Gloss White cabinet (no counter top no sink)
KV8830-BLUE-cabinet Vetro 30'' Navy Blue cabinet (no counter top no sink)
List Price $995.00
Sale Price $855.00
Savings: $140.00
KV8830-GW-cabinet Vetro 30'' Semi Gloss White cabinet (no counter top no sink)
List Price $995.00
Sale Price $855.00
Savings: $140.00
KD9930-BLUE-cabinet Divani 30'' Navy Blue cabinet (no counter top no sink) KD9930-GW-cabinet Divani 30'' Gloss White cabinet (no counter top no sink)
KD9930-BLUE-cabinet Divani 30'' Navy Blue cabinet (no counter top no sink)
List Price $1,029.00
Sale Price $889.00
Savings: $140.00

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